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Sanni´s Project 365 proudly presents:


Most of my 3D-friends are either guys or gays, but Steffi is one of my few girlfriends - obviously.She´s one of a kind.
We´ve had a chick´s night today - for a special reason. Steffi needed a little cheering-up. The young man, formerly known as her boyfriend, a.k.a. jerk, chucked her yesterday in the evening without any warning... via sms - after a 8.5 years lasting relationship. Unbelievable, but true.

Any kind of further cheering-up as well as dating offers are greatly appreciated ;)

Snapped by @ Tuesday, January 08, 2008
filed under: ,



Desert Songbird said...

I have one word about Steffi's ex: dickhead.

'Nuff said.

Unknown said...

YAY! That´ll be his new nickname!