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This is a special invitation to a Spanish night at our place.

Come on over and enjoy some typical Spanish tapas with us - like the Jamón Serrano. Jamón Serrano (literally mountain ham) is a dry-cured ham, which is generally served raw in thin slices. Ours is bone-in:

Besides the ham there will be lots of other typical tapas. Feel free to join us =) - the party starts tonight at 07:00 p.m. - Olé!

Snapped by @ Friday, January 04, 2008
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imac said...

Hi, Your ham looks nice -but- Im sorry but I like it cooked an nice and crispy.

Congrats on being preggies, what a great photo too, also great photo of your little boy.

Thanks for visiting my lil ol blog and your comments.

Desert Songbird said...

That is a unique cutting board there, Sanni. I've never seen anything like that.

Unknown said...

imac: Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment =)

Donna: We bought it in Spain. They are sooooo expensive in Germany, about $80 - but in Spain those boards are available everywhere for just $10 ...