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If you´ve ever been on a night hike, do you remember how you felt?

I loved night-hiking when I was a little one, especially in the forrests.
Today we´ve been on a "light-edition" of a night hike. We took Luis out to the local port, shortly after sundown. Our mission was to search for ducks - not in order to shoot them, but to feed the ducks with some ciabatta leftovers. Mission completed:

By the way... "lamb´s lettuce with crisp duck breast and lukewarm potatoe dressing" sounds like music in my pregnant ears. *grin*
Maybe tomorrow =)

Snapped by @ Thursday, January 03, 2008
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Desert Songbird said...

You're evil to think of roast duck after feeding these animals.

Must be the pregnancy hormones...*grin*

Unknown said...

That´s for sure... those hormones... are killing... the ducks *LOL*